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Important updates about new US state privacy laws

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Over the course of 2024, several new US states privacy laws are coming into effect in Florida, Texas, Oregon, Montana, and Colorado.We will supplement the existing Google Ads Data Processing TermsGoogle Ads Controller-Controller Data Protection TermsGoogle Measurement Controller-Controller Data Protection Terms, and U.S. State Privacy Laws Addendum. No additional action is required to accept these terms if you’ve already agreed to the online data protection terms.For US state privacy laws, Google continues to offer a range of tools for publishers to manage product behavior. Publishers can review relevant controls in our Help Center article.If you are using Restricted Data Processing (RDP) at the account level, this account level setting will additionally apply in Florida, Texas, Oregon and Montana on or after June 15th, 2024. If you have traffic in Florida, Texas, Oregon or Montana, you may see an increase in Restricted Data Processing traffic. Also note that if you use the GPP framework, the account-level setting will be overridden by GPP signals. Please also refer to our AdSense Help Center articles for more information on enabling restricted data processing.Colorado Privacy Act Universal Opt-Out Mechanism provisions require that Global Privacy Control (GPC) signals opt the user out of Ad Targeting, Sale or Share of data. For users in Colorado, Google will be receiving GPC signals directly and trigger RDP mode for those requests. As a result, customers might see increased RDP traffic in Colorado which may impact monetization.Please see for more information about Google’s data privacy policies and Restricted Data Processing.If you have any questions about this update, please reach out to your account team or contact us through the AdSense Help Center..
Sincerely,The Google AdSense Team

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